"Israel Kamakawiwo’ole" was Born in Honolulu Hawaii in 1959 and spent the first five years of his life with his Grandfather, ( "Tutu Kane" in Hawaiian ) on the Hawaiian island of Niihau. In 1964 he returned to the island of Oahu to live with his immediate family and learned the importance of his Hawaiian language and heritage. IZ was a native Hawaiian, who upon his death in 1997, at the age of 38, was only the second citizen to receive the honor of having his body lay in state at the capitol building in Honolulu Hawaii. Israel IZ Kamakawiwoole is remembered fondly in Hawaii and throughout his worldwide fan base as much more than just a Hawaiian singer, song writer and composer. IZ sings original Contemporary Hawaiian Music in the native Hawaiian tongue and performs his beautiful ukulele songs using his solo tenor ukulele to accompany the gentle purity of his golden smooth and passionate voice which covers an extraordinary range of vocal octaves.
Read more: Facts About Israel Kamakawiwoole Hawaiian Music over the Rainbow